Rosetta Stone pricing is different for Enterprises than that of schools and educational institutes. There are various offerings depending on the type of client. For more details, check into their website and choose your preferred Rosetta Stone pricing model. The subscription model charges a fixed price for access to all content of a language for a fixed amount of time, while the level model charges a fixed price for every level of the language purchased. There are two primary Rosetta Stone pricing models - the subscription model and the level model. Rosetta Stone pricing models differ with language. This software makes language learning, fun exercise. Rosetta App is compatible with the majority of mobile & Tabs. The software can be used on any device at any time and at any place. Rosetta primarily works on theory on learning a language as you learned your first language. The software helps businesses to overcome language barriers, resulting in more fluent business operations. Rosetta Stone has won multiple awards in the field of language tutoring and provides services on all platforms in multiple countries across the world. With millions of users in 28 languages of the past decades, The software offers language teaching services for all levels of users. Rosetta Stone Language Learning Software is considered the gold standard in language teaching software.