I Recommend this game and think it is a brilliant, fantastic experience. Shop Dragon Age: Origins Awakening - Playstation 3 online at best prices at desertcart - the best international shopping platform in Angola. you get to pick your back story which all are emotional and show loss and sacrifice. Now Finally i will talk about what makes this game amazing. Hopefully it's clear because my english are not wonderfull. When you launch Download, you have choise for dlc. Try to download standart edition on Origin access. Also the epic emotional story that makes you want to keep playing again and again. Use the filter and choose Origin Access or purchased game, in one of them should be Dragon Age, which you can install. This is my favorite game of all time because of the choices game play and characters. For whatever reason, the Lion's Paw DLC won't download for me - it remains stuck at 0. The story is fantastic, it is classic fantasy with a dark evil god coming to destroy everything, it does this in a way that makes you think it is the first time you are experiencing it. Bioware has made all promotional DLC for Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 available, for free, for anybody that is registered on the social site. The choices are brilliant and question are morals and what we believe is right. the romance system is also awesome and shows us a more human side of the game. and personal quests that are emotional and tell us more about their characters.

the companions that you travel with are all unique with their own back stories.

The amount of things you can do is just amazing,you'll need to play the games at least eight times (which i have) to do half of the possible things in the game. I don't know why the score for Dragon age has been dropping the last couple of weeks because it is a brilliant game.